5 Dangerous Foods from In the World

Have you ever found yourself wandering around a new country, feeling hungry and wondering what to eat? Well, wonder no more! I’ve compiled all the highlights of my trip so far in this InstaHealth series.
So far, we’ve been breaking down food labels and giving you the low-down on what they mean across different countries. But it’s not just differences between labeling–you might notice other discrepancies as well when visiting new places for vacation! In America (the land that shaped me), there are plenty of options at every corner with familiar names like McDonald’s or Subway – but if your hunger craving is international, then go ahead and get adventurous by trying something totally foreign too, such as sushi rolls from Japan or samosas filled.
Food Around the World
Japan is known for its world-renowned sushi, but there are some foods you might want to avoid. In this InstaHealth post, we’ll explore 5 “dangerous” Japanese dishes that may seem like a great idea at first glance but should be avoided if possible.
You’ll see all kinds of weird and wonderful local delicacies! For example, when in Japan, don’t forget about the distinctively delicious seafood on offer – from a fresh octopus or squid sashimi to ikura (salmon roe) with wasabi soy sauce dip as an appetizer or ochazuke tea served over rice porridge seasoned with seaweed flakes… But it’s not always worth broadening your horizons.
1.Fugu (Pufferfish)
Pufferfish- also known as fugu, is a delicacy in Japan, with many restaurants serving them. Unfortunately for the chefs who prepare this meal, it contains a neurotoxin, which can cause paralysis or death, and that’s why they have to be specially trained and make sure they are toxin-free when served!
Many people say pufferfish tastes bland, but if you’re one of those adventurous foodies looking for something new, then don’t let their reputation tamper your curiosity about trying out a dish made from these little guys. Just know there might not be zero risks like any other seafood, so always ask before ordering!
2. Echizen Kurage (Nomura’s Jellyfish)
Japan is not just a country of anime and sushi. For some people, it’s also the place to go for an Echizen kurage or Nomura jellyfish dish – which is one thing that you may want to steer clear of before leaving Japan! These types of Jellyfish are known for being toxic both alive and after they’ve been eaten. The best way to avoid these nasty toxins? Ensure your food has been cleaned correctly and cooked thoroughly so that nothing can be retained in any parts of the dishes’ surface area.
3. Sannakji (Baby Octopuses)
Now we’re heading a few hundred miles west to South Korea. In this country of delicacies so diverse and delicious, you might want to stay here for an entire month! One dish that the locals love is freshly killed octopuses (sannakji). These are often called “baby octopus,” but it’s not because they’re babies: they belong to another species with smaller tentacles than their cousins in North America. You’ll be pleased that these aren’t at all poisonous – sorry… What could go wrong? Well, first off, when you order them raw like this, expect some griping from your newfound friend on your tongue or throat since she may still have life left in her after being cut open fresh out of.
4. Casu Marzu (Putrid Cheese)
Now, let’s leave Asia and make our way to the beautiful Italian island of Sardinia. Casu marzu is regarded as one of the world’s most dangerous cheeses because it contains live maggots (fly larvae). Eating this cheese can introduce these insects into your stomach, which could have serious intestinal implications. Not to mention, some larvae may even be able to “jump” and get in your eyes! This might be why a ban has gone out on selling this cheese outside its native land – making importation extremely tough if you’re not willing to buy from black markets… but for those who fancy buying their own rotting food, then casu marzu is just what they need!
5. Ackee Fruit
Ackee is a fruit that has been consumed for centuries in Jamaica, but it’s banned from sale as a whole fruit within the US. The reason? Ackees have toxins that can be deadly if they are not eaten when ripe! These poisons bind to molecules vital for energy production and lead glucose levels to decrease dramatically. This causes severe vomiting or even death without treatment by ethanol ingestion.
Are You Better Off Staying Home?
New foods are always a great way to broaden your horizons, but what if you’re not keen on trying them? How do we know they won’t make us sick or give us food poisoning? The good news is that most of the time, it’s safe. But there’s still some risk, and here’s how:
1) Food contamination can occur in processing facilities where meat products such as ground beef may contact E. coli bacteria from livestock manure.
2) Contamination through improperly cooked produce (e.g., raw eggs)
3) Cross-contamination during preparation at home via hands contaminated by animal feces; 4). Toxins are already present in our environment, like asbestos which causes lung cancer after inhalation.