7 Beautiful South America Birds You have to look

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Birds in South America
Toco Toucan
The Toco Toucan’s oversized colorful bill is by far its most distinctive feature and the one thing that makes this one of the most recognizable birds in South America. It’s found throughout Central American forests, but it can be easiest to spot when you’re looking for fruit; they enjoy eating a variety of types, not just from trees!
The Toco can keep warm on a cold night by tucking its beak into its feathers, acting as a hot water bottle. It also has the ability to change blood flow for it to feed itself without having any tools or hands; this phenomenon occurs when they wrap their tongue around food and pull back quickly before letting go of the prey.
King Penguin
Renowned for its gigantic rookeries, the King Penguin is one of the most delightful birds in South America. Seen as second only to Emperor penguins, these birds are identifiable by bright orange markings on their neck and around their ears. You can spot a king penguin near Antarctica’s frigid waters with other Kings who live off Seno Inutil colonies in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, or while cruising through South Georgia Island- but you better hurry!
Andean Condor
The Andean Condor is the largest flying bird in South America. They have a wingspan of 3m, and they are absolutely awe-inspiring to see when you watch them fly close by on their side trips from Arequipa, Peru’s Colca Canyon being one such place where many people get this opportunity. It is here that these birds soar so high up into the sky, which makes it seem like touching outstretched wings could be possible for humans watching at ground level below.
Hyacinth Macaw
They call the Hyacinth Macaw a “giant parrot” for a good reason. These amazing birds are often brighter blue than any ocean and have markings that look like another set of wings around their eyes, making them seem extra majestic. Despite being one of the most popular pet birds in Brazil and Argentina, these charismatic creatures are actually highly endangered due to man’s encroachment on their habitat, making it difficult for this bird to survive without human intervention.
These beautiful birds are at risk of being hunted to extinction, along with their feathers. The Kayapo Indian tribe adorns headdresses made from these vivid feathers, which in turn require up to 10 Hyacinth Macaws for one feather on average. Sadly, even though there is a law against hunting and illegal pet trade of the bird – it’s near impossible in remote areas that can only be reached by foot or boat – meaning they continue without repercussion. Furthermore, while domestic pet trading may pose an issue for all macaw species nationwide, nearly 75% of captured parrots get exported illegally into the US, where many people buy them unknowingly believing this wild-caught animal will live well domestically when actually its life expectancy greatly.
The Hyacinth Macaw is an impressively shrewd bird and will routinely drop entire palm nuts on the ground so it can be de-husked by stronger animals. It then uses its sharp claws to pick off any remaining bits of husk before flying back up for a quick snack!
Do you know how a cow moos? Well, get lost in the lush forests of Venezuela, and you’ll hear it! The Capuchinbird is one of the strangest birds to ever sing for love. Its name might be strange (Calf-Bird), but wait until that bird starts singing – then things will really take an unexpected turn.
The Capuchinbird is the only bird in the world that sounds like a cow and chainsaw at once. Unlike other birds, it has an almost bald head with puffed plumage resembling its monk-like counterparts – making them look unique as they fly around Brazil’s Atlantic rainforest and its many rivers.
Scarlet-banded Barbet
The Scarlet-banded barbet is a rare, mesmerizing bird that can be found mostly in the highland forest of Peru. They were discovered just 20 years ago, and only 1,000 have been seen to date. The scarlet-banded barbet is on many people’s bucket lists because of how remote they live, making it difficult for most avid bird watchers to see or even find while exploring different areas of South America.
Waved albatross
The waved albatross is one of the most captivating birds to spot in the Galapagos. They are typically found further south than any other species, and they can even be spotted as far away from their breeding site on Espanola Island as Colombia! This endearing bird has a unique behavior that’s worth noting. When mating season comes around each year, males will perform an adorable ritual dance that involves them locking up with female partners and making awkward pecking motions at each other until it becomes clear who’s stronger or quicker-thinking than whom; this “duel” leads to copulation between potential mates for life (which is also how humans used to mate). It takes place using just their heads because these animals don’t have feet.
The albatross is an elegant creature when in flight, gliding with a style that is beyond compare. But this curious bird can have some difficulties on the ground due to its sheer size and inability to slow down rapidly enough before landing- even at will.
Harpy Eagle
The Harpy Eagle is a bird of prey and the largest in America. It has thick legs, big talons like grizzly bear claws, and it hunts down its prey with the ferocious skill that makes one think twice about ever getting too close to this creature.
The Harpy Eagle is a large bird with black and white feathers that thrives in Brazil. These birds are often used as indicators of the health of an environment because they usually feed off larger animals such as capybaras, monkeys, iguanas, and coatis, thus showing if these populations are abundant, they must be flourishing too.
Here at Chimu Adventures, we love organizing special interest tours to Latin America. It allows us to match the best experts with a group of passionate travelers keen on exploring a specific aspect of this incredible part of the world.
Come along with us on a birdwatching tour, and we’ll do our best to help you tick off that list! If your partner is not as keen on birds, there are countless options for alternative activities. So bring the whole family – even if they’re not so into birds – because South America’s skies will amaze them just like her mountains, lakes, rivers, or cities. Click here for more information about Chimu.