What is Water Retention? Know All About the Same!

Water retention is commonly referred to as edema. This dangerous condition results when excessive water accumulates in the body tissues due to the increased absorption of water through the skin pores.
Normally, the fluids are drained from the tissues through the skin veins through the lymphatic network, a network of capillaries throughout the entire body, which removes excess fluid and extraneous matter from the tissues and dumps it out to the bloodstream.
In the case of water retention, the skin walls do not permit the fluid to drain properly, thus causing accumulated fluid in the tissues.
In the end, this causes an accumulation of fluid in the human body’s tissues. It is quite obvious that this is harmful to the health of the person suffering from this condition.
Water Retention Diagnosis
To determine whether one has water retention or not, it is important to know what causes it.
Since various reasons can cause water retention, it is important to know all possible causes so that the proper diagnosis and necessary treatment can be given.
One of the most common causes of water retention is dehydration. If the person suffering from this condition remains dehydrated for more than two days, then the chances are high that they have water retention.
Probable Water Retention
Is water retention quite easy to determine by looking at yourself? If you see any red color on your skin when you drink the liquid, then the chances are high that you have water retention.
You can also check out whether you are losing water or not by using an oral thermometer. It helps to keep your mouth and tongue dry all the time. You should try to avoid any foods that will cause water retention, especially highly acidic or high in sugar content.
Certain fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries and oranges, are known to contain high amounts of sugar.
So if you have these two kinds of food in your diet, you are likely to suffer from water retention.
What causes water retention? The truth is several reasons cause fluid retention, but some are more common than others.
Weak Blood Circulation
The most common cause of fluid retention is weak circulation in the legs or ankles, especially when the patient has had a fall or other injury to their legs, especially if the fall was accompanied by swelling of the legs.
This is due to swelling of the ankle joint resulting from the blood not being able to drain, and the ankle bone is stiff and unresponsive to pain caused by the injury.
Weak Heart
When this occurs, there is less pressure on the leg nerves because there is poor blood circulation.
This will cause a form of fluid retention called fluid accumulation, which is common after a particular kind of surgery, such as after a heart attack, after some forms of trauma such as a broken bone/spinal cord injury, and especially if the body has an overproduction of salt or potassium.
High Level of Sodium in Body
Another reason for this is if the person has been taking diuretics because diuretics tend to have high sodium levels, which makes the kidneys work harder to empty these salts from the body.
A person suffering from high levels of fluids in their blood will often have an electrolyte imbalance, which will result in a build-up of fluids in the urine.
Low Potassium in Blood
If you own low potassium levels in your blood, this will lead to water retention in the extremities of the body.
It’s also possible that the person could suffer from hyponatremia. The person’s sodium levels are so low that their cells do not produce enough sodium to balance out the potassium levels in this condition.
Multiple Causes of Water Retention
Causes of water retention do differ from one person to another, but some common ones include:
- Those are suffering from an injury to the ankles and legs.
- Those are suffering from kidney disease.
- Those who have had too much alcohol.
- Those who have taken diuretics.
- Those with hyperthyroidism.
If you feel unsure about whether you have a water retention problem, it is best to consult with a health care provider.
Swelling/Muscle Cramps/Skin Conditions/Fatigue
Symptoms of excessive water retention can include things like dizziness, nausea, pain, muscle cramps, headaches, skin conditions, swelling, insomnia, and fatigue.
Generally, the more your hydration levels are out of whack, the worse your symptoms will become. In many cases, water retention can lead to you feeling more sluggish or slower than usual and even less active or energetic.
In some cases, it can get led to an increased chance of developing:
- Heart disease
- Hypertension
- Kidney disease
Experiencing Hyponatremia
It is critical to witness that this condition can also occur in certain medical conditions, making it very difficult to find treatment for it.
For example, dehydration can occur due to various medical conditions such as liver disease, hyponatremia (low sodium level), and hypohydroepiandrogy (low blood sugar).
Additionally, it can happen to people who take medications or take medications used to treat high blood pressure.
The most common of the reasons why this happens is that water causes dehydration rather than the other way around. A person’s body owns a natural tendency to retain fluids and expel waste products.
Though if the body does not get enough fluid, the cells in the tissue begin to break down, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, headache, and fatigue.
High Blood Pressure
The water retained in the body can increase the amount of fluid used by the tissues, causing even more damage than it already does.
This can lead to high blood pressure symptoms, increased muscle tension, decreased blood circulation, and a weakened immune system.
In a Nutshell
Suppose you have been experiencing symptoms of water retention. In that case, you must visit a doctor for proper diagnosis and a plan that can reduce or eliminate your symptoms of high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and osteoporosis, as well as possible skin conditions, insomnia, and a lack of energy and stamina.
If these symptoms do not appear to be getting better, you may want to speak with your physician about using an herbal remedy to reduce your symptoms.
If you are a sufferer, and you are interested in finding out more about the ways to reduce water retention, then We’d like to offer you some tips and advice on the subject.
Here are some of the most effective natural remedies for water retention, which you can use to reduce your problem and get rid of those unsightly water spots on your body.
Opt for the Necessary Diet Changes
Diet changes include reducing intake of salt or eating foods that contain a lot of sodium, such as canned meats, canned vegetables, and dried beans, and eating foods high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, and peas.
Foods that cause low sodium in the blood include green leafy vegetables, celery, cauliflower, apples, and tomatoes. Foods that should not be eaten are dairy products, such as cheese and milk.
Use a Supplement Named ‘WaterSense’
Some people turn to a special supplement called “WaterSense” to help them with the problem.
This is a combination of a liquid supplement that includes potassium and magnesium, along with an additional natural ingredient called “Phyto-Allergenic Blend,” which will help improve the body’s immune system.
Eat What Improves Your Blood Circulation
There are several attributes to combat these symptoms of dehydration, including drinking plenty of fluids to replace those lost through the body’s inability to absorb water.
Consuming foods rich in water, such as fruits and vegetables, and taking certain supplements that contain various vitamins & minerals that help your body retain water and flush out harmful substances.
One of the most effective forms of treatment is a form of a diet designed to improve blood circulation within the body and a program that encourages drinking more water each day.
Stay Hydrated
According to experts, dehydration can be a major cause of many women’s painful menstrual cycles. The first step to treating and preventing water retention in women is to eat a high-fiber diet with plenty of fresh fruits & vegetables.
Also, drink plenty of water daily – 8 glasses or more a day will assist your digestive system stay healthy and functioning properly.
Wear Compression Socks or Leggings
Additionally, make sure to wear compression socks or leggings as they will help your feet stay elevated during the day and keep your feet dry at night.
The next natural remedy for water retention that you can do is to start wearing compression socks or leggings when you are at home or work.
Wearing compression socks or leggings will help keep your feet elevated, which helps the blood circulation in your legs.
You’ll feel much better about your body and feel more comfortable while you work, instead of sitting in a standing position.
Take Help of Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Fennel
Natural remedies for water retention can include the use of garlic, apple cider vinegar, fennel, and echinacea. These three herbs are great at breaking down fat in the body, allowing it to be excreted from the body through the way of urine.
The fennel helps to fight off infection as well as helping to increase the flow of urine, so women suffering from water retention will benefit from using it.
Make a Routine to Have a Healthy Diet
One of the main reasons natural remedies for water retention are so effective is that they are designed to work in conjunction with a healthy diet and a regular exercise program.
A good diet and regular exercise can go a long way in keeping your body and mind in balance.
Doing this can eliminate the pain of being dehydrated and get rid of those water spots that may be forming on your body.
Go for Low-Salt Diet
If you also suffer from water retention problems, one of the best natural treatments you can do for your problem is to follow a low-salt diet.
This diet requires that you eat foods rich in potassium and magnesium, two important minerals that are essential in keeping your kidneys in healthy working order.
Foods such as potatoes, legumes, nuts, leafy green leafy vegetables, and carrots are very low in sodium and potassium content.
Take Special Care of Your Feet
In addition to wearing compression socks or leggings, there are other ways to ensure that you are getting enough fluids into your body.
Wear high-quality walking shoes, especially if you have dry feet. This will assist keep your feet from getting hot and dry and also help to avoid having those uncomfortable blisters that result from hot feet.
You can also use a high-quality foot cream for soaking up moisture that may be trapped in your socks.
Final Words
To treat a water retention problem, various treatment methods may be used, including surgery, diet changes, and in some cases, lifestyle changes may also be necessary.
To correct the underlying problem, the doctor may recommend diet changes, and in some cases, surgery may get recommended to correct the damage to the kidney.
If surgery is not indicated, other treatments may be tried, such as diet and exercise changes. You can even try using some natural ingredients to get rid of those water spots on your skin and give you a boost in the bedroom.