How To Get Rid Of Algae In The Pool

Summers are here, and a good swim in your backyard pool sounds nice for a relaxing Sunday afternoon. Uh-Oh, is your pool covered with algae? Do not worry; we will help you get rid of algae in pool.
Age is a living plant organism that can sometimes appear in your pool overnight due to poor water circulation and clogged filters. This can also make your pool chemical work less effectively.
After entering the pool via wind, algae starts flourishing. And low chlorine levels due to high heat or heavy rain can make it even worse.
We have shared some tips to get rid of different types of algae in the pool in this post. First, let us take a look at different types of algae found in pools.
Common Types of Pool Algae
There are four types of swimming pool algae you’re most likely to encounter.
Black algae in a pool is a group of microscopic algae that creates visible black spots on the pool structure. It can be a little difficult to get rid of black mold from the pool. Although it grows slowly in the beginning, mold spreads quite fast and can damage the structure of your pool if not treated on time. Black mold roots deeply into the pool surface and thrive at the deep bottom ends in the swimming pool.
Green algae in pools are the most common type of swimming pool algae. If you notice your pool water turning green with some slimy texture, it is a sign of green algae. Sometimes imbalanced chemicals can allow green algae formation on top of water or pool sides.
Mustard algae in the pool are often mistaken for dirt and pollen on walls or the ground of the pool. These often occur due to external forces and can be challenging to treat as it is chlorine resistant. When left untreated, mustard algae can turn swimming pool water cloudy and also create an environment that hosts harmful bacteria.
Red algae in a swimming pool can look disturbing. It is a type of bacteria that enters the pool by rain, wind, or pool accessories. When left untreated, red algae in the pool can take over the entire pool and also become a health hazard.
Follow the steps below on how to treat green, mustard, and black algae in pool water.
Green algae in pool water are quite a common issue where the algae form clouds on the water and make it look green. Fortunately, this is one of the easiest algae to treat and prevent.
Follow these steps:
- You can use a swimming pool water test kite and balance the chemical level of the pool.
- Apply pool shock product and then follow the label’s instructions to boost chlorine residual in pool water.
- Brush the pool surface vigorously wherever the algae grow.
- Apply green algaecide and follow the instructions mentioned on the label.
- Let the water circulate for 24 hours and brush the pool surface again.
- Backwash or vacuum to get rid of dead algae
- Use the pool water test again to balance the chemical levels in the ideal range.
Mustard algae in a swimming pool can get quite stubborn and result in dirt-colored or yellow spots clinging to pool floors and walls. You can brush away the algae from the pool surface easily but return quickly to nearby areas.
Mustard algae are resistant to chlorine which makes it more difficult to get rid of from the pool surface. It can grow unnoticed in the pool filters and also stick to anything that comes into contact with the swimming pool. Make sure to clean everything and prevent it from entering the pool. Put all the accessories in a swimming pool for treatment to make sure the cleaning tools are properly cleaned.
Follow these steps:
- You can use a pool water test kit and check the chemical levels of the pool.
- Apply a good pool shock product and follow the directions carefully on the label to increase residual chlorine in the pool.
- Brush pool surface vigorously wherever there were algae on the surface.
- Get rid of dead algae by backwashing or vacuuming.
- Apply mustang algaecide and carefully check the label directions.
- Let the water circulate for 24 hours.
- Backwash or vacuum again to get rid of dead algae. Repeat this for 2-4 days.
- Using a test kit and balancing the pool water again to ensure ideal chemical range.
Black algae in swimming pools are the toughest of all strains to get rid of. It often starts appearing as black spots into the pool water that attach themselves to the pool surface securely and form a protective outer layer. You can brush the affected pool area to treat it.
Follow these steps:
- You can use a pool water test kit and check the chemical levels of the pool.
- Apply a good pool shock product and carefully follow the label directions to increase residual chlorine in the pool.
- Use a pumice stone to scrub the black algae and break any protective layer.
- Brush the affected area vigorously wherever you notice black algae growth.
- Vacuum the dead algae debris.
- Apply black algae treatment and carefully follow the label instructions.
- Let the water circulate for at least 24 hours.
- Backwash or vacuum to remove dead algae and repeat the brushing method for 2-4 days if you still see algae persistently.
- Using a test kit and balancing the pool water again to ensure ideal chemical range.
After you get rid of algae in the pool, following the right prevention methods is necessary to keep the swimming pool operational.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to prevent any algae formation in your swimming pool.
- Test and also balance the pool water every week to maintain the ideal pH balance of 7.2 – 7.6.
- Always check and ensure enough supply of sanitizer to kill bacteria and maintain a chlorine residual of 1-4 ppm.
- Shock the pool water to get rid of any contaminants.
- Brush the pool surface gently every week to get rid of algae and also maintain healthy water circulation.
- Add a preventative dose of algaecide into your pool weekly to prevent algae growth.