Cyrus Baxter Car Accident Details

Cyrus Baxter Car Accident – The family of social media fame, the Baxter Boys are grieving after their brother died in a car accident. His mother confirmed he had passed away on Facebook with tributes pouring in from all over for this young man who touched so many lives through his YouTube channel about being raised by parents without custody.
The elder of Ebonie’s children, Byron Baxter has a rare bone disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. He says that despite having over 100 fractures he still manages to smile because it doesn’t stop him from living his life! His little brother Blake also suffers with the condition but is bigger than his sibling so they have been raised separately at times due their difference in sizes which causes them difficulty when around one another especially if there are other people involved as well such Cardi B who featured this story on her Instagram page following last months highlights reel about 14-year old boy diagnosed w/heavy.
The Ebonie family’s social media accounts are a place where you can see the gut-wrenching pain they feel as their son took his own life, and how it has impacted every aspect of their lives.
Filled with raw emotion that some may find Disturbing There is no humor or smile present in any photo because she doesn’t want anyone to forget what happened too soon before help arrives.
Ebonie Baxter Confirmed Cyrus’s Death on Facebook
The family of Cyrus Baxter has confirmed his death on Facebook and also through posts to their Instagram page.
On September 11, 2021, Ebonie Baxter wrote on Facebook,
My Son is gone… I’m up just thinking about his final moments. I’m hurting so bad…Then to see this fake Gofundme when my sons finale is already paid for~ I’m picking up his ashes in the morning how dare people….God please help me get thru this… My Son why did you leave me? What could I have done? I wanna hear your voice son like I did everyday… I just want to wake up from this nightmare… My Son is Dead💔 I don’t blame you God, I know you loved him more than me, I know you have him now but I’m broken… I’m left to explain to my kids that the Big Brother they love is no longer here… They keep asking for him.. My SON WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME??? Cyrus!!!!!!! Wake Me Up!!!!!
On September 9, she wrote on Facebook:
Mental illness is real… as a mom to a young adult that I’m constantly worried about can be so overwhelming. Whenever a meltdown occurs I wait by the phone praying to get a response the next morning. Checking my phone to see if my messages have been ‘read’ that way I can confirm he’s alive. As a parent you try to do everything possible to change what the perception of his reality looks like. You ask him to come over, ask him to go to lunch with you, heck, I pay my son a $10 daily bonus just to take his medication everyday…. As a mom you do what you can.. This morning is one of those days…. I’m checking my phone to see if he’s ‘read’ my messages, that lets me know he’s made it thru another night… People may ask ‘why don’t you just go to his house?’ I’ve done so numerous times, multiple times during a month… and it’s always that ‘one time’ if I am exhausted and decide to stay home, the what if’s are overwhelming. There’s no help legally either…. They’ll hold him for 72 hours and let him back out to restart the cycle… I feel helpless. I don’t wanna lose my son. But my son doesn’t wanna get it together… I wish there was something that I could do that would work! But in the meantime all I can do is wait and watch my phone to see if he wakes up and ‘reads’ my messages…That lets me know at least he made it thru another night…
When the mother of an grown up old son realized he had gone missing, she immediately contacted law enforcement and provided them with all relevant information. She later went on Facebook Live to ask for help in locating him after it became clear that Cyrus was not home nor did anyone know where he could be located; during this video stream his suicidal thoughts were mentioned for first time by someone who knew him well enough (the young man’s sister).
demonstrate how these words affected me: “I just prayed for him.
The video starts off with Estelle headed to the police station in order find out why her son wasn’t answering phone calls or messages. She was told that he died from an accident shortly after noon on September 9th when she arrived at scene of crash near their home until early morning hours before this notification came through – only then did they tell them about suicide attempt by driving into trees while high speed.
His Mother Wrote, ‘All I Ever Wanted Was For Him to Smile’
She wrote on Facebook:
Headed to the funeral home to make arrangements for My Sonshine… For 20 years I was the best mom I could be for him… I fought all of his battles and I didn’t mind either! Many will say I wasn’t strict, I let him run all over me and I did because all I ever wanted was for him to smile. I wanted him to know how much I loved him. Yesterday He took his life… he crashed his car into trees while he was on the phone with a female… he told her he rathered his mom to find his body then to go searching for it… I am broken. As I head to this funeral home to sign the paperwork to view his body I’m praying that GOD keeps me. I don’t think I prayed enough… did I give enough, did I harass him enough to spend more time with me? For over 20 years it was him and I…. Now he’s with GOD and I’m here to pick up the broken pieces..I’m f***ing angry. I’m hurt! How the hell do I go on after this?? Where is this strength that I am supposed to have?? I want a drink, I want to fight, I want to take his place…My F***ING SON IS DEAD💔💔💔