Different Types of Fish In World and Their Facts

Fish is the most dominant group of animals in our oceans, freshwater lakes, and rivers. They are found everywhere! Fish live mostly underwater, but some can survive out of water for a little while thanks to their scales which help them stay moist even when they dry up on land. The fish has been an important food source since ancient times because it provides humans with essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and proteins that keep us fit and healthy and new religious symbols, including Christian fishes or Jewish kippahs (turbans).
Fishes have to breathe through their gills, just like we do with our lungs. They can’t exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide from the water they are in because of this requirement for breathing air; that’s why only bony fishes have one single gill instead of multiple ones. Fishes also boast a closed-loop circulatory system. All blood gets taken around the body without mixing or waste products getting dumped back into them, as is common among other animals such as mammals, who use open-loop systems where most energy is used to prevent loss rather than go back out again. So it makes sense then that fish excrete nitrogenous ammonia (ammonia being produced when proteins break down).
Many fishes inhabit many different regions, but they all share the commonality of being universally beautiful. The following is a list of some fish types:
1. Siamese Fighting Fish:
This fish is classified under the classification of betta. It’s an aquarium fish that belongs to a family called Gourami, which can mingle with other fishes, and its body length ranges from 7 cm-10cm. The most commonly seen colors are red, green, opaque (white), albino (completely white), orange-yellow, blue, etc.
Lifespan: This fish can only live 2 years in fresh water at a 23-27 degrees temperature. They are found near the equator, so they must be transported carefully and kept warm before being released into colder waters.
2. Common Carp:
These freshwater fish can grow to 2-14 kilograms in body mass and live in lakes. It is also found all over Europe and Asia, usually living by other predators like humans who eat it for food!
The lifespan of common carp is until 47 years.
3. Goldfish:
Goldfish are not only beautiful animals but also incredibly smart. They can learn and remember things quickly; they’re social creatures who enjoy the company of other goldfish or people alike, and because their eggs hatch in as little as 48 hours after laying them – you’ll have a new pet before you know it!
The lifespan of goldfish is about 30 years.
4. Oscar:
The Oscar Fish can grow up to 2 feet long and weigh as much as 7 pounds. In the wild, they are found in South America, Australia, Japan, and China, among other places. Aquarium enthusiasts often keep it because it thrives on a varied diet of live meaty foods like earthworms or bloodworms but will also eat small pieces of raw fish or shrimp flesh if necessary. The average lifespan for an Oscar fish is about 10-20 years, with some living longer than 30!
The Oscars we know today were first seen at London’s Aquarium around 1868; however, their ancestors came from Central/South American rivers. They used camouflage skills to avoid predators such as piranhas alongside freshwater stingrays who would frequently.
The lifespan of this fish is about 10-13 years.
5. Wels Catfish:
Lake Constance is home to the most famous and impressive fish in Europe: The sturgeon. It can grow up to 4 meters long, making it one of the largest freshwater animals on Earth! These giant underwater creatures are found mostly around basins that line the Baltic Sea and
the black and Caspian Seas. Although they’re often mistakenly identified by people who’ve never seen them before, these large-bodied fishes feed mainly on smaller saltwater critters such as other species of fish or crustaceans rather than humans like their popularity might suggest
This European “super fish” has been a staple part of Lake Constance for centuries now partly due to its size (the average length ranges from 13 feet all the way out.
The lifespan of this fish is about 60 years.