Does Your Dog Burp in Your Face? It’s a Good Thing if He Does!

When I was 9 or 10 years old, my childhood cat lay on me when I reclined. One time she sneezed right in my face without any warning, and it startled the heck out of me!
When Mandy laid on top of me, sometimes her fur would get all over mine because we were so close to each other. It tickled so much that no matter where she tried laying down next, there’d always be a giggle coming from beneath us which made everyone laugh too- even if they didn’t know what had happened yet…t the need to sneeze, and Mandy was nearby. My 10-year old brain thought I might teach her a lesson by running up on her and just letting one go in her face!
The only individual who learned a lesson that day was me, and it boiled down to this: an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. Since childhood, I had been taught the idea of “an eye for and hood but what happened with Mandy changed my perspective on how life should be lived. From then on, I let her sneeze in my face without ever again attempting to exact reveFor the past eight years, me.*
Buster, my dog, and best years had always been a gentle giant. He was also deep-chested, which means he is more prone to bloat than most dogs. The other day when we were on our backs in front of each other, I noticed how his stomach looked like it might be moving up rather than down as before– that’s not good! And then Buster got up so quickly after being put back onto all fours, causing me some concern about what could have happened with him during those few seconds while he laid there panting heavily from rolling over (which usually takes a lot out of them). Just now, though Budder belched loudly right into my nose- geez, did you smell yourself? That rank
My dog’s burping was not something I had been looking forward to. When she started, it relieved me because dogs who can do this are less likely to suffer from bloat.
The stomach of a dog can be distended for many reasons. One is bloat, which happens when the stomach twists into an abnormal position in the abdomen. The condition is one of the most severely urgent and life-threatening emergencies in veterinary medicine, with potential consequences as dire as death to your pup! This occurs because GDV causes blood flow restriction that results from pressure on certain vessels or arteries, preventing adequate circulation through those regions downstream from where it’s constricted – like down near their feet.
GDV or Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus is a condition in which the stomach twists on itself. This twist causes obstructions that can lead to shock; blood flow from the back half of your body becomes restricted as it has to go around the twisted organ instead of going through it. In severe cases, this twisting may even be 360 degrees!
GDV occurs when the outlet of our stomach – typically located on our right side – decides to gain its independence by rotating 180 degrees over onto its left (in some extreme cases, there’s no stopping at all). With these quick maneuvers come several problems: The entrance and exit point for food become occluded while gas bubbles are trapped inside because they’re not able to escape easily.
The spleen is a large organ that performs important functions in the body, such as filtering blood. But without proper circulation to it and other organs nearby, death will be soon assured.
GDV is a life-threatening disorder that causes circulatory derangements and organ failures. A dog can die in as little as 12 hours from the pain caused by extreme stomach enlargement, but with emergency treatment, even dogs showing no signs at all can be saved.
GDV is a potentially deadly condition that we’re not sure how or why it happens. Symptoms include a distended abdomen, pale gums, and weakness. The most common breed of dog to get GDV are Standard Poodles (and many other breeds), but the symptoms may be subtle in some cases, such as panting, restlessness, and unwillingness to lie down due solely to bloat itself rather than something else like being sick from eating too fast for example.
There are many possible causes for bloat, but one certain thing is the importance of burping. Dogs who can do a good job at this when they’re eating have a lower risk of developing e severe stomach twisting and a bloating condition known as torsion. This happens because gas builds up rather quickly in some cases, so clearing it out with a big burp could be just what Buster needs to prevent his insides from exploding like an old-timey ticker-tape parade!
Besides the normal problems that old dogs have, like a decreased ability to burp or consume what they’ve just eaten of various materials around their house. They are also more susceptible than younger breeds because ligaments in older animals weaken over time.
Deep chested dogs have various health problems, but one condition in particular that they’re predisposed to is bloating. This problem may be more common among these breeds because when the stomach can’t properly align itself with its robust physique and deep chests, it’s forced into an unnatural shape by gravity which causes gas build-up pressure on other organs. One expert estimates half of all Labrador Retrievers develop bloat; for Great Danes, this number skyrockets to 80%. Other dog breeds such as German Shepherds are also prone, while some small-breeds like Dachshunds occasionally suffer from this ailment!
Dogs various stressed by being at the groomers, boarding facilities, or veterinarians become susceptible to bloat because of what stress does to a dog’s stomach.
Some recent studies have indicated that eating dry kibble, consuming from an elevated bowl, having a large meal at one time per day, and restricting access to water around the feeding times can increase rates of GDV in dogs. This is because these practices lead to higher stomach distension before twisting occurs. The same trend holds for nervous or anxious breeds who swallow more air, increasing their likelihood of suffering from gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV).
Dogs who have had their spleens removed are prone to bloat. This is probably because the spleen, which helps hold in place everything attached internally and externally around your stomach area, becomes useless after a removal surgery has taken it out of commission. For this reason, dogs who undergo removal of their spleens should simultaneously undergo gastropexies (see below).
The most puzzling aspect of bloat is that it occurs in the evening. The following confounding fact is how much time a dog spends with its owner, as those who spend more than five hours per day are at an increased risk for GDV – up to 40% higher! Finally, dogs living in Europe are more prone to bloating and gaseous stomachs.
Rapid intervention is necessary when an animal suffers from a GDV, which veterinarians can easily diagnose with X-rays. Treatment for this condition includes decompressing the stomach either manually or through surgery, and often, both methods are used together.
When your dog sustains an injury to the stomach, it is important to have them treated by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will use drugs and surgery to reformat their internal structure to function again without pain or discomfort properly. After this process has begun, you should also be prepared for follow-up visits until things are back on track!
The prognosis is relatively good for dogs who receive immediate veterinary attention. Sadly, the prognosis deteriorates rapidly with time in untreated dogs. Therefore, any person who notices symptoms of GDV should seek medical help as soon as possible to avoid irreversible damage or death due to this condition!
I’m hoping my dog Buster doesn’t get bloated. Some of his good qualities include the fact that he’s so mellow and has a deep chest, but others, like how big he is, make me scared for him if things go wrong. Some dogs have all the risk factors yet never bloat, while there are other dogs with no risks at all that do end up bloating eventually – it can just be pretty random sometimes!
But Buster is welcome to burp in my face any time. Each burpy hiccup means less chance that he’ll bloat, and I won’t have reservations about telling him so!