Everything You Need to Know About Conch Piercings

Of all the different piercing trends, conch piercing is considered the most lust-worthy. It is a very nice piercing and has gained remarkable popularity in the past few years. Conch piercings are fun and a unique fashion statement. Like other piercing, conch piercing might hurt initially, but there is nothing to worry about. This piercing heals quickly with adequate aftercare. A wide range of options for the type of jewelry and placement are available in conch piercing.
Though conch piercing is stylish and picture-worthy, it can also be intimidating. If you plan to get a conch piercing, it would be better to get an idea of this piercing, like how much conch piercing or conch piercing aftercare. Here is an article with you all you need to know about conch piercing.
What is Conch Piercing?
A conch piercing is made in the center portion of the ear cartilage, making it the most customizable piercing. It is known as conch piercing because the area of cartilage looks like a conch shell. If you opt for getting a conch piercing, you can either get an outer conch piercing or an inner conch piercing. In the inner conch piercing, the conch is placed in the lower cartilage and is decorated using a cartilage stud. On the other hand, in outer conch piercing, the conch is placed in upper cartilage and is decorated using a large hoop.
Cost of Conch Piercing
How much is a conch piercing? It is quite difficult to determine the actual cost of conch piercing. The cost varies depending on the location and what type of jewelry you opt for wearing. However, the cost of a conch piercing is between $30 to $90.
It would help get the piercing done by an experienced and skilled piercer. Never opt for a piercer who uses a piercing gun, as there are chances that they do not have the proper experience. In addition to this, a piercing gun can lead to damage to your ear.
Conch Piercing Pain
Different people have different pain tolerance; therefore, it is quite difficult to tell how much a conch piercing will hurt. However, the conch piercing does not hurt more than the cartilage piercing. On the pain scale, conch piercing falls around halfway. It falls around 4-5/10 on the pain scale. It is more painful than lobe piercing, but it is not anything that most people can’t handle.
Usually, conch piercing is done using a 14G needle. You can also go larger than that; however, it would be better to opt for a dermal punch if you want a larger piercing. It is the best solution for a larger gauge. However, it removes some portion of cartilage rather than just piercing it. Therefore, it is a more invasive process. In addition to this, dermal punch piercing does not heal on its own. Dermal punch for piercing is not recommended, as many states have laws against this piercing procedure.
Healing Time
The healing time of conch piercing is between three to nine months. It varies based on aftercare, followed by the clients. Usually, a conch piercing requires a longer time to heal than a lobe piercing. Therefore, you should consult the piercer before stopping the aftercare practices.
Aftercare Tips
There is lesser blood flow in conch piercing than in piercing in other body parts. Therefore, it heals differently as compared to the earlobe or lip. Below mentioned are some aftercare tips for a conch piercing.
Keep Piercing Clean and Dry
Conch piercing is susceptible to healing complications like bumps and infections. Therefore, you should be careful with aftercare practices. It would help if you kept your ear clean. In addition, make sure to keep the piercing free from dead skin and ear wax. Conch piercing is fashionable, but it does not look good with scars and bumps. Keep the piercing clean and dry, and it will help in proper healing.
Be Careful with Accessories Your Put in Your Ears
Hats, hairs, and headphones expose your conch piercing, harmful bacteria that can lead to harmful infections. Make sure to keep away the piercing from foreign objects in the first few days. Avoid putting pressure on your piercing.
Keep Pressure Away From the Jewelry
Moving the jewelry can lead to trauma to the skin present near the piercing site, leading to complications such as piercing bumps and scarring. Avoid moving the jewelry during the healing stage. In addition to this, try not to sleep on the jewelry you are wearing in your conch piercing.
Best Conch Earrings
There are two types of conch piercing: the outer conch and the inner conch. The location of the conch depends on the cartilage anatomy; however, you will have to decide your preferred style of jewelry based on the conch location.
In the outer conch, people opt for wearing large hoops. To get a slick look, you can also wear seamless hoops. You can also try clicker hoops or segments. You can also wear studs in the outer conch; however, hoops are the most popular.
In the inner conch, you can opt for wearing a cartilage stud. You can wear a stud with ball backing or a disc back. The cartilage stud looks amazing with a solo conch piercing. You can also add them to your cartilage cluster.
Why Shouldn’t I get a conch piercing?
Conch piercing is highly fashionable; however, if you wear an earbud, you might be prone to infection with a conch piercing. In addition to this, if you have faced the issue of infection with cartilage piercing or work in a dirty environment that can cause infection, it is better to avoid getting a conch piercing.
Before going to get a conch piercing, you should research the piercer. In addition to this, you should also follow the proper aftercare advice given to you by the piercer.