Everything You Need To Know Before Getting FUE Hair Transplant

What is an FUE hair transplant?
FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant is done by taking the individual hair follicles out of the skin and implanting them on other parts of the body. This makes the hair in the new area look thicker.
FUE hair transplant was meant to replace the FUT or classic hair transplant method. This procedure involves taking the entire skin or scalp along with hair follicles and transplanting them to the target area.
FUE is becoming a more popular hair transplant method than FUT because it does not lead to hair plugs where the skin or hair does not match. It also doesn’t leave a scar behind like in the FUT procedure.
Anyone with thinning hair or balding hair makes the best candidate for an FUE hair transplant. If you do not have thick or healthy hair, then you do not make the right candidate for an FUE hair transplant.
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How much does an FUE hair transplant cost?
FUE hair transplant costs between $4,000 to $15,000 per session. Getting multiple sessions can cost $50,000 more.
The cost of an FUE hair transplant depends on:
- How much hair is transplanted or extracted
- How many surgeons are available in your location to perform this procedure
- How frequently does your surgeon perform an FUE hair transplant
- How in-demand and experienced is your surgeon
Sadly, health insurance plans do not cover FUE hair transplant costs or any other cosmetic procedures. You will also need to cover your prescription medications for pain or any other possible side effects. You will also need 3-4 days for recovery at home.
How does an FUE hair transplant work?
When you get old, the normal three-phase hair growth and re-growth cycle shorten until hair follicles cannot regrow new hair.
This phase works differently in different people. Some people start getting bald in their 20’s while others are at an older age.
In FUE hair transplant, old hair follicles are replaced with new ones that can regrow.
After the transplant is done, hair follicles are nourished by blood vessels and start growing hair in the target area.
FUE hair transplant procedure:
- Your surgeon will first shave down hair in the area from where the hair follicles will be removed and transplanted.
- With the help of a micro punch tool, they will remove hair follicles from the skin.
- Then the surgeon will make various tiny incisions using a needle where these hair follicles will be inserted.
- Then these hair follicles will be inserted into the incisions.
- Then your surgeon will clean and bandage the target area for recovery.
Risks or Side effects:
The best part about getting an FUE hair transplant is that you will not get any scars other than tiny white dots from where the hair follicles were removed. These dots also fade away over time.
These are some of the possible side effects associated with FUE hair transplant:
- Infection signs
- Swelling or pain at the surgery area
- Crust or drainage on the target area
- Bleeding at surgery site
- Follicle swelling
- Tingling or numbness near the surgery site.
- Transplanted hair looking different than hair around it
- Thinning or balding continues even after the transplant.
Recovery & After Care Practices for FUE hair transplant
The recovery period of FUE hair transplant is quick. You might have some discomfort or swelling in the initial three days.
Below we have mentioned some doctor advised aftercare practices:
- Do not shower or wash your hair for three days
- Use unscented and gentle shampoo for a few weeks when you begin washing your hair.
- Take some rest for 3-4 days to expedite the healing process
- Do not brush or comb your new hair for three weeks minimum.
- Avoid wearing beanies, hats, and other clothing that is used overhead
- Do not indulge in any strenuous physical activity for a week.
You may notice some hair fall out during the healing process, which is normal. You will start noticing a difference after 3-4 months. Depending on your transplanted hair health, hair may not grow as thick as you would like.
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How To Prepare for an FUE hair transplant
Below we have mentioned some of the things that you can do before going to your transplant session.
- Avoid smoking for at least 24-48 hours before the surgery.
- Stop alcohol consumption for at least three days before the surgery.
- Do not take blood thinners or aspirin for two weeks before surgery.
- Stop taking antidepressants, vitamins, or any other dietary supplements two weeks prior to the surgery.
- Do not cut your hair before the surgery.
- Do 10-30 minutes of scalp massage every day for a few weeks to improve blood flow.
- Take medications that the surgeon asks you to.
- Get your blood test and ECG done prior to the surgery.
Fast Facts About FUE Hair Transplant:
These are some of the fast facts about FUE.
- FUE transplant is completed in 2-4 hour sessions over the course of several days.
- FUE is an outpatient procedure, and you can go home once the session is completed.
- You do not need to make changes in your daily routine. Just make sure to follow after-care practices.
- Any surgeon is qualified to perform hair transplant surgery. You can consult a dermatologist who specializes in FUE hair transplants.
- FUE hair transplant cost ranges between $4000 to $15,000 per session
- The FUE hair transplant price varies widely depending on how experienced your surgeon is and how much hair is being transplanted.
- The new hair transplanted begins growing in 3-4 months.
- You can expect 10 to 80 percent of transplanted hair to grow back.
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How to find an FUE hair transplant provider near you?
You can go to ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) to find a doctor tool and search for an expert near you. The list will include all the expert hair restoration doctors.
You can even check the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery directory website to find a doctor certified to perform these procedures.
We hope you find this article helpful. If you have ever got a hair transplant surgery done, do not forget to leave comments down below.