Surprising Health Benefits of Celery Juice

Seeking something healthy and refreshing? Then, celery juice is the drink for you. Celery is a green-leafy vegetable of the Apiaceae family. There are plenty of health benefits of celery juice like low cholesterol levels, good for obesity, and many more. Drinking fresh celery juice in the morning is considered quite healthy. Moreover, if you are not a juice person, it can also be served as a low-calorie snack in the evening. The benefits of celery juice are countless as the vegetable has several nutrients and is widely used in the kitchen.
Health Benefits of Celery Juice Which will Get you Going
When it comes to the advantages of drinking celery juice, you would be awestruck. Celery juice is full of several nutrients such as potassium and vitamins A, C, K. Moreover, being power-packed with antioxidants helps in reducing inflammation and also boosts your hydration. So, go through the list to know about several benefits of drinking celery juice:
Celery Juice Heals your Stomach
To break down the food, especially protein, you must have sufficient amounts of stomach acids in your tummy. This is the moment when celery juice comes into play. Apparently, celery juice heals and triggers your gut by restoring HCl acid, and food is digested more quickly. However, the celery juice benefits do not end here. Celery juice can also restore the depleted intestinal mucus levels much needed in preventing acid reflux and ulcers. These health benefits of celery juice would make you lively and fresh for the rest of the day.
Cut Your Cholesterol with Celery Juice Diet
It is suggested that to remove wastes and break-down the fats from our bodies, we must observe strong biles in our routine. However, if that is not the case with you, it can get troublesome. Including a celery juice diet in your routine can not only fix the problem of loose biles but will also ease the functioning of your abdominal tract. This way, drinking celery juice can boost your bile secretion and pare down the bloodstream’s cholesterol levels.
Filled with Natural Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Celery Juice contains organic polymers such as Polyacetylene and Luteolin, which reduces the risk of gout, chronic joint pain, and rheumatoid arthritis. With its appealing and relaxing characteristics, not only does it soothes the mind, but it is also known for calming the nerves in stress. Moreover, celery juice prevents the free radicals from pulverizing the DNA of our body cells.
Contains Strong Antioxidants
When it comes to foods high in antioxidants, we can not ignore celery juice. One of the health benefits of celery is that it contains powerful antioxidants that can fight cancer cells. Celery contains a flavonoid, apigenin, known for its properties to eradicate cancer cells from the body. The polyacetylenes present in celery contain the chemo-protective compounds, which help in decelerating the growth of mutated cells. They also boost immunity and reduce the level of toxins in your body.
Lower the Blood Pressure With this Green Elixir
Celery contains a phytochemical, phthalides, which relaxes the tissues of artery walls, thus increasing blood flow. It is also useful in treating hypertension, and it is said to have neuroprotective effects. By acting as a smooth muscle tranquilizer, it lowers high blood pressure and improves the flow of calcium and potassium in cells. According to a study conducted on rats, with the improved flow of vital minerals, blood vessels expand and contract without any difficulty(Source).
Combat Infection with Healthy Celery Juice
Celery is made up of compounds that help to naturally boost your immunity and fight infection. Drinking celery juice lessens uric acid and stimulates urine production in your body. It is said to be of great assistance in fighting against bacterial microbes within the digestive tract and reproductive organs. Additionally, these properties of Celery also helps in preventing diseases
like UTIs, bladder and kidney disorders.
Improves Digestion and Aids the Liver
Celery juice is a mild and gentle laxative that provides a great deal of relief in bloating, puffiness, constipation, and water retention. Also, increasing the circulation in the guts improves the digestion of your tummy.
The nutrients present in celery help the liver to flush out unnecessary fat and toxins, thus decreasing the fat build-up in the liver.
Celery Juice is Alkalizing and Highly Nutritious
Several studies have found out that the compounds present in Celery is alkaline in nature and capable of preventing chronic diseases. Additionally, it works like a wonder for the skin, owing to the presence of various minerals and vitamins like potassium, folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, and many more.
Moreover, the polyacetylene contained in celery, luteolin protects your skin from harmful UV rays from the sun and nourishes it from inside. Apart from being widely used in the kitchen, celery is said to cure numerous skin diseases like psoriasis and acne with its skin-healing properties(Source.)
Good for Weight Loss
Are you looking for a weight loss drink? Then drinking celery juice can surely help you out. Whether you want to slim the belly fat for gymnastics or hip-hop dancing, this is the drink you should seek after. While a regular dose of celery juice is a brand new obsession, it doesn’t contribute to weight loss on its own. Still, you can make the most out of it if you replace it with high-calorie beverages like coke, packaged juices, sweetened shakes, smoothies, etc.
Final Words
The health benefits of celery juice are more than you can count. From healing the gut to curing skin diseases, celery is a superfood overall. Also, the recipe for making celery juice is quite easy and quick. All you have to do is separate the leaves from stalks, wash the vegetable and make it through your juicer. Voila! Well, how hard was that? Not a bit. Drinking celery juice at dusk and dawn will not only keep your body hydrated and fresh but will also reduce your salt and sugar cravings. What are you waiting for? Try this nutritious and healthy drink straight away!