Heart Disease Causes and Prevention

Heart disease has been around as long as people have, but the fact that it’s usually women who suffer most from this silent killer is a lesser-known truth. Heart attacks and strokes are responsible for more than half of all deaths among postmenopausal women in general – 1 out of 4 will experience an event within their lifetime. Yet, only one in five American women believe heart disease to be her greatest health threat.
What’s even less known about this condition is how often those suffering might not know they’re at risk until something goes wrong like Amy Heinl found herself running on empty with no warning signs during her morning workout or Linda Copson, whose arm went numb while she was preparing dinner – two conditions which turned into fatal outcomes when left.
“It happened so fast,” Amy says. “I thought I had pulled a muscle at first because it was such an unexpected situation for me – but then she told me to call 9-1-1, and that’s when the pain really started kicking in. It felt like my heart itself might be broken.”
“They said they could hear this awful sound coming from inside of me on the phone,” she continues with tears gathering in her eyes as she recounts what followed over those terrible few minutes before paramedics arrived. “That must have been my ribs breaking one by one or something equally unpleasant happening inside of there.”
Here are more unsettling facts:
- One woman dies every minute from heart disease, as it is the cause of 1 out 3 women’s deaths each year.
- Everyday, the average woman has a 1-in-10 chance of developing heart disease.
- For the last 30 years, women have been dying more of heart disease than men and this gap continues to widen.
- Heart disease is often misdiagnosed in women because the symptoms are different than they would be for men.
- Heart disease can manifest differently between genders, and it’s a growing problem that many doctors haven’t taken seriously enough.
- It is important to be aware of the risk factors for breast cancer, but it’s also crucial to understand that heart disease is a greater threat.
It’s time to focus on finding and becoming the solution. To help you do so, here are some heart disease causes that we know about and how they can be prevented.
What causes heart disease?
Heart disease is a dangerous condition that can strike at any moment, often without warning. It has been estimated to affect one in three people and grows more prevalent as we age. The body’s circulatory system gets clogged with fatty substances called plaque which hardens the arteries until they cannot function properly and blood cannot flow freely throughout the human body. This poses an even greater risk for those who smoke or have high cholesterol levels because their risks of developing heart attack due to narrowing artery walls increase significantly over time; by affecting your health physically, it also affects your mental well-being since you don’t know when this life-threatening disorder may occur next if left untreated.
But it doesn’t end there: in addition to coronary heart disease, you may have other conditions like peripheral artery disease or stroke.
But that’s not all! Cardiovascular diseases can take many forms, including Coronary Heart Disease and Peripheral Artery Disease, among others.
- Heart failure or congestive heart failure
There’s a lot of pressure on the heart and circulation system when you’re out running. Thin air, increased body temperature, hard physical activity require more oxygen-rich blood to help maintain homeostasis in your cardiovascular system.
With this increase in demand for our hearts comes an increased risk that we will experience some cardiac event like arrhythmia (abnormality with how fast or slow your heartbeat is), angina pectoris (chest pain), or myocardial infarction (heart attack). If not addressed immediately, it can lead to life-threatening complications such as low urine output due to dehydration, resulting from poor renal perfusion caused by decreased venous return. These symptoms may be experienced during exercise and at.
- Arrhythmia or an abnormal rhythm of the heart
Your heart can beat too fast, slow, or irregularly. When that happens, your body is not getting the right amount of blood to survive, and it’s like you’re being choked from within!
Your heart might be beating too quickly, slowly, or inconsistently. This means one way or another, your heart isn’t pumping enough blood to meet all of your needs which could affect both how well the brain functions as well as other organs in a person’s life, such as their lungs and kidneys.
- Heart valve problems
The heart could be going through a major malfunction. This is because it may not open enough to allow proper blood flow, which means that the right and left ventricles of your heart don’t receive an adequate supply of oxygenated or deoxygenized blood. Sometimes this can lead to leakages in the valves as seen by redness on them when touched with fingers; other times, valve leaflets will bulge or prolapse into the upper chamber, causing blood to flow backward from these chambers leading towards the lungs where they are supposed to head out for more oxygenation.
How can I prevent it?
If you are a woman with female anatomy, then heart disease is more than likely something that has crossed your mind. You have to continue living and breathing for the rest of us! For those who don’t know much about this killer condition or how to prevent it, I’m here today as an open vessel ready to spill some secrets on what might save your life one day when you least expect it.
Heart Disease in Women can be prevented if we’re educated with vital information like knowledge of risk factors such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol levels, smoking cigarettes; get regular screenings including mammograms and pap smears; lose weight through dieting and exercise – all things women need but sometimes neglect due to their busy schedules.
Here are a few lifestyle changes you should make:
- Don’t smoke
- Manage your blood sugar
- Get your blood pressure under control
- Lower your cholesterol
- Know your family history
- Stay active
- Lose or manage your weight
- Eat healthy
Heart disease is a tough subject to discuss, but together we can make it go away. So are you ready to help? Women who Go Red have made big strides in their heart health, and they’re doing so much for the cause with all of us behind them.
Heart Disease has been around forever, despite our best efforts at ending its reign as king of cardiovascular diseases here in America; however, that doesn’t mean we should give up hope! With women like those from GO RED leading the charge against Heart Disease- there’s no telling how far this battle will be won next year! The future looks bright if more people get involved now than ever before because every single person counts towards winning one small step forward or two giants.