8 Herbs That May Help You To Lower Blood Pressure

Many people around the globe are affected by hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. It affects nearly half of all American adults. Specialists have confirmed that there are some herbs that can help to lower blood pressure.
If you are thinking of trying herbs to lower blood pressure, then in this article, we will discuss about some herbs that might help lower blood pressure.
Managing The High Blood Pressure
Hypertension is defined as at least one of the followings:
- Systolic blood pressure over 130mm Hg, normal is less than 120mm Hg.
- Diastolic blood pressure over 80mm Hg, normal is less than 80mm Hg.
You can manage the blood pressure with medication like calcium channel blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
Several lifestyle and dietary changes can also lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. (source)
As a matter of fact, experts have shown that some spices and herbs might lower blood pressure levels, so you might want to consider adding herbs to your diet.
Be sure that before using any of the following herbs, consult with the doctor first. Below are some natural ways to lower blood pressure.
Some Herbs For High Blood Pressure
You can manage high blood pressure with proper medication, as well as lifestyle and dietary changes. Some spices and herbs might likewise help to lower blood pressure.
Basil is a flavorful herb that comes in several forms. It is famous for alternative medicine because it is rich in several powerful compounds. Sweet basil is high in eugenol. Experts have connected this plant-based antioxidant to various health benefits, that includes blood pressure. (source)
Research suggests that eugenol might help to lower blood pressure by working as a natural calcium channel blocker. It prevents calcium movements in the arterial cells and heart, allowing the blood vessels to relax. (source)
Animal studies have shown that the sweet basil extracts helped to thin the blood and relax the muscles, which helped to reduce the blood pressure. (source)
However, experts need to do more studies to investigate whether basil helps to reduce blood pressure in humans.
Parsley is a famous herb in European, American, and Middle Eastern cuisine. It is native to the Mediterranean, and it has an impressive nutritional profile.
It also contains a variety of compounds like dietary carotenoids and vitamin C that might lower the blood pressure.
Various research has shown that parsley lowers diastolic and systolic blood pressure by working like a calcium channel blocker. It is a type of medication that helps to dilate and relax blood vessels.
However, there are limited human studies on blood pressure and parsley. More studies are needed to understand its effects.
Celery Seeds
It is a versatile spice that is loaded with several nutrients like magnesium, calcium, fiber, and iron.
Amazingly, many research advises celery seeds might help to reduce blood pressure. Research in rats examined the results of celery seed extract on blood pressure.
The research found that celery seed extract reduced blood pressure in rats with pre-existing high blood pressure.
Experts have suggested that the compound in celery seed extract might help to reduce blood pressure by working as a natural calcium blocker.
Moreover, this seed is also a good source of dietary fiber that has been connected to reduce blood pressure.
Chinese Cat’s Claw
Many people have used this Chinese cat’s claw in traditional Chinese medicine to cure different ailments, that includes high blood pressure. (source)
The Chinese cat’s claw’s scientific name is Uncaria rhynchophylla, and it is also called Chotoko or Gou-Teng.
However, do not confuse it with the cat’s claw. Despite the similar appearance and name, this plant has different chemical properties and different origins.
This herb contains several compounds like rhynchophylline and hirsutine. Animal research has shown that these herbs might reduce blood pressure by working as natural calcium channel blockers.
Moreover, these compounds might stimulate blood vessels to create nitric oxide. It is a chemical compound that stimulates blood vessels to dilate and relax. (source)
Bacopa Monnieri
It is an herb that grows in marshy areas in South Asia. Experts of Ayurvedic medicine use it to treat several ailments, including memory issues, anxiety, and high blood pressure.
In animal research, this herb helped to lower blood naturally by helping the blood vessels to release nitric oxide. In humans, bacopa monnieri improved most mental aspects, and it did not affect the blood pressure so much.
However, animal research findings are promising, as this herb results in lower blood pressure, and in humans, it is still unclear. Researchers need to do more studies on bacopa monnieri effects.
This herb is rich in several compounds that might benefit the heart. It contains sulfur compounds like allicin, which might help to relax the blood vessels and increase blood flow.
The studies have shown that over 550 people with high blood pressure found that consuming garlic lowers the diastolic and systolic blood pressure by an average of 5.5mm Hg and 8.3mm Hg, respectively.
It is a flavourful herb loaded with various healthy compounds. Rosmarinic acid is one of the compounds which studies has connected with several benefits, like lower blood sugar levels and inflammation. It also increases blood flow and might also help to reduce the blood pressure,
Animal research has shown that rosmarinic acid stimulates significantly and lowers systolic blood pressure by repressing the angiotensin-converting enzyme. (source)
The angiotensin-converting-enzyme is a molecule that narrows the blood vessels and raises blood pressure. Thus, the process might reduce blood pressure.
That said, there is limited human research on blood pressure and thyme. Experts need to do more studies to investigate these effects in humans.
It is a sweet-smelling spice that comes from the inner bark of the tree from the Cinnamomum genus. It has been used for centuries in traditional medication to treat heart conditions and high blood pressure.
While it does not fully understand how cinnamon reduces blood pressure? So the animal studies have shown that it can help the blood vessels by dilating and relax.
Studies that include 641 participants have shown that consuming cinnamon lowers the diastolic and systolic blood pressure by 3.9mm Hg and 6.2mm Hg.
Moreover, people who took 500-2,400 mg of cinnamon every day for 12 weeks have experienced an average decline in systolic blood pressure by 5.39mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 2.6mm Hg. Cinnamon is simple to combine into the meals, and it is the best natural way to lower blood pressure.
Final Words
Hypertension is the most common, preventable risk factor for heart disease. The best way to manage blood pressure is through an order of the right medicines, regular exercise, and a healthy diet.
That said, there are several promising spices and herbs to lower blood pressure, and it can easily incorporate into the diet to help reduce high blood pressure. However if you do not know the symptoms of high blood pressure then see everything about high blood pressure symptoms and prevention. If you find this information useful, drop a comment below this section.