High Fiber Foods For Kids That They Will Actually Love To Eat

If you are a parent, you must be aware of how hard it is to potty-train a toddler. But do you ever think why the toddlers may be having digestive problems? Maybe because they lack the crown jewel nutrient, ‘fiber’ in the diet. Yes, high fiber foods for kids are vital for a healthy digestive system.
This is not only for kids; it’s also true for all age groups, whether a toddler, teen, adult, or parent. Everyone needs enough fiber in their diet for a healthy digestive system and proper bowel movement.
In the article below, we will elucidate all the aspects of a high fiber diet, including its benefits, why it’s essential? Which high fiber foods for kids you must be giving your kid? And more.
Why Choose High Fiber Foods For Kids?
There are numerous reasons when it comes to why you need to include fiber in your diet. For beginners, high fiber foods are filling and may also help in the prevention of diabetes.
Although the basic reason why we need to have a high fiber diet is that it’s very beneficial for digestion, when you pair the fiber foods with proper hydration, then it keeps your digestive tract working as it should be. This helps in the treatment and prevention of digestive issues like constipation.
So, if you don’t want to find yourself with a toddler who is in agony as they can’t poop in the middle of the night, it’s best you include high fiber food for kids in their diet plan.
How Much Fiber?
Now, as you know why high fiber foods are essential for kids’ health, the next thing you must be wanting to know is how much fiber to include in your diet? The answer to this question is 14 to 31 grams of fiber per day for children in the age group of 1 year to 18 years, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
But what does that actually mean? And how to find what foods are high in fiber that will provide them with the needed quantity?
What Foods Are High in Fiber?
When it comes to kids’ health, selecting the right high fiber diet for them becomes essential. To help you with this, we have shortlisted some of the best fiber food that will be the best healthy food you can give them for digestive health.
Some high fiber foods that kids will actually eat are:
High-Fiber Cereal
Almost every kid loves the delicious crunchy cereals. Don’t they? What makes the cereal an amazing option when it comes to getting some high fiber food for kids is its content. A ready-to-eat cereal can provide 3 to 14 grams of fiber in each serving. Thus having some high-fiber cereals can be the best option for your kids’ health.
However, one thing to remember when including some high-fiber cereals in your kids’ diet is that they can be high in sugar. Moreover, packed cereals can also contain some preservatives. So, always look out for the ingredients when purchasing packed cereals to include in your kids’ high fiber diet plan.
Everyone loves the juicy raspberries, whether kids or adults. What makes the raspberries an even more amazing food to munch on is their high fiber content.
To your surprise, a cup of raspberries contains a whopping 8 grams of fiber content. A fun fact about this is that it is the same amount of which is needed to make raspberry fingers. In comparison to other fruits also, raspberries are high in fiber content.
You can also use the raspberries when it is not the season for them. All you need to do is get some frozen raspberries and prepare some delicious healthy smoothies for your kids. You can also use them in other recipes like the muffins or simply along with yogurt bowls. The seemingly endless recipes for the raspberries make them one of the amazing high fiber foods for kids.
Peas are one of the few green vegetables which kids won’t object to eating, and the amazing thing is that it is fiber-packed. Yes, peas are one of the high fiber foods which you can include in your kids’ diet. You can also try some delicious recipes, including peas, to make your kids eat more veggies.
A full cup of green peas contains a whopping 9 grams of fiber. This makes it an amazing option to include in your kids’ high fiber diet as you can add it to nearly everything. Whether you are making cheese and mac, salad, or soup for your kids’ health, peas can be an ingredient.
Frozen peas are also a wallet-friendly option and thus easy to keep handy. All they need is a little heating and thaw before serving them in any recipes.
A half-cup of the chickpeas and beans both deliver a whacking 8 grams of fiber. Beans full of fiber are also versatile and thus gives you numerous options to use them. You can use the chickpeas in some hummus recipes or roast them to make some delicious crunchy snacks for teens or kids. You can also serve this healthy food directly from the packed can.
The deliciousness and versatility of beans make them a perfect food to include in your kids’ high fiber diet plan. However, if your kids don’t like the beans in their diet plan, maybe you have not found the right recipes.
If you are in confusion, then go for some market options like the bean-based pasta. They are made using chickpea and lentil flour. Thus a great option when it comes to getting high fiber foods for kids. They are also opulent in protein and have a kid’s friendly texture.
The delicious creamy orb is a fruit, technically. What makes this an amazing option to include in your healthy food recipes is that half a cup of it contains 5 grams of fiber. Avocados are also opulent in heart-healthy fats, making them an amazing option for kids’ health.
Most of the kids love eating avocados, although if your kids are averse, you can try various recipes. You can make a smoothie by blending the avocado to give your kids health fiber boosting. Other than this, you can also use it as creamy dips, guacamole, or a toast topper.
Avocados are also excellent in some essential amino acids, making them an amazing option among fiber foods.
Do your kids’ love nuts? If yes, then the addition of almonds in their healthy food recipes can be the best bet. This is because the almonds top the list among nuts when it comes to fiber content with 3½ grams per ounce.
Peanuts are also not far behind then the almonds in fiber content with 2½ grams per ounce. However, for that extra boost of 1 gram, you can replace the peanut butter with almond butter. Nuts are also a great option for healthy fats and thus an amazingly healthy food for them.
However, if allergies concern you, try the pumpkin and sunflower seeds for a protein and fiber boost.
Maango is loved by everyone. Doesn’t it? This juicy, deliciously sweet fruit is something that your kids will love. The good thing about the mango is that it is available year-round, thus making it available fresh.
Mango is also available in cut-out prep, thus saving you from any preparation hassles. A single cup of mango contains 3 grams of fiber, making it one of the delicious high fiber foods.
What makes the mango an even amazing option when it comes to high fiber foods for kids is the availability of endless recipes. You can make smoothie juice, use it as frozen snacks for kids or eat it directly. One thing to know when making the juice is that blend it but let the fiber content intact in it.
What Happens If Your Kids Get Too Much Of the Fiber?
Excess of anything can be problematic, and that is true for the high fiber diet plans also. Moreover, too much fiber in the food can result in GI side effects like gas and bloating.
The best thing you can do to avoid these problems is to ramp up your child’s low-fiber diet slowly and gradually. It will give the digestive system to adjust to the changes in the diet, thus preventing any problems.
Other than this, hydration is also essential for optimum functioning of the digestive system. Thus make your little ones learn to keep themselves hydrated.
Bottom Line
Making your little ones eat enough fiber in their diet is essential for a healthy digestive system as well as proper bowel movements.
Moreover, getting some high fiber foods for kids is also essential to provide them with enough energy in their growth years.