How To Fix pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 Error in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is computer software with a sustainable software program that includes TLS and SSL protection encryption that is supplied through Microsoft. However, it can still sometimes show the error of pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6.
When Outlook starts making such mistakes, the paintings will become tedious and uneasy. For a non-technical person, these troubles can restrict productivity.
So here are all the ways to restore difficulty with the help of powerful techniques.
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Before that, lets us understand why this error occurs.
Why does the Error pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 Occur in Outlook?
This error occurs in Outlook when a person tries to hook up with the mail server through SSL encryption, and therefore this relationship does not exist any longer. Moreover, there are high chances that SSL encryption is disabled or any email account. There are various encryption styles that are supplied through SMTP servers for receiving and sending emails like TLS and SSL.
If one of the encryption is no longer joined due to the wrong settings, you may encounter this error.
What Happens When Outlook Error pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 Occurs?
When this mistake occurs in Outlook, the initial symptoms and signs of the problem cannot be seen.
The Windows OS starts to crash irregularly. Applications will stop responding, and the tools will ask to restart. The keyboard and mouse will take too long to respond.
Here are some of the possible symptoms and signs of Outlook blunders. In this segment, you will have nice answers to note down all the above-listed blunders.
Methods to Fix pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 Error in Outlook
There are various approaches to restore this error. We have listed a great technique below to list this bug.
- Reconfigure POP and SMTP server settings.
- Use SCANPST.exe to repair all the PST documents.
- If there are any duplicate accounts, delete them.
- Repair MS Office software via the control panel.
#1. Reconfigure Server Settings
To restore this pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 error in MS Outlook, you will have to configure POP and SMTP server settings. You can do this by following the below-mentioned steps.
For MS Outlook 2016:
- Start MS Outlook in the tool.
- Go to File Menu >> Info >> Account Settings >> Manage Profiles.
- Go To the Mail Setup box, and click on on the Email Accounts tab.
- Now Pick your e-mail account and click on it.
- Tap on the “More” Settings button.
- Now, you have to test the Outgoing Server, and My SMTP server will call for authentication.
- Go to the Advanced tab and test for SMTP and IMAP server port quantity settings.
- IMAP: 993
- SMTP: 465
- The last step is to test the encrypted connection for SSL/TLS. Then, click on the OK button.
Using the above-listed approach, a person can configure SSL encryption settings easily and reduce any problems associated with pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 in Outlook 2016. To perform SSL encryption in MS Outlook 2007 and 2010.
For MS Outlook 2010:
- Start MS Outlook on your device.
- Go to File tab >> Info >> Account Settings >> Account Settings.
- Now double-click on the email account.
- Select More Settings options
- test the IMAP and SMTP port in the Advanced setting option
- IMAP: 993
- SMTP: 587
- After this, test if the encrypted server connection is about SSL and TLS. Click the OK button.
For MS Outlook 2007:
- Open the control panel in your system. Change view settings to Large. Now choose mail settings.
- Go to the mail setup box and click on the Email accounts option.
- Select mail account and then Change button.
- In the Mail setup box, click on the Email Accounts choice.
- Now click on More settings.
- It’s time to test the advanced menu on the withinside, where both outgoing and incoming server settings are configured, as noted below.
- You will also have to test the encryption approach with SSL. Now click on OK to close the settings.
- IMAP: 993
- SMTP: 465
#2 Use SCANPST.exe to Repair PST documents
SCANTPST.exe is software that restores inbox supplied through MS outlook for restoring corrupted PST documents. Therefore in order to restore pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6, errors you need to deal with PST corruption using the SCANPST.exe. Follow these steps:
- Open windows explorer on your desktop/laptop
- Now go to C program files, then Microsoft Office 14. Now you will have all the Microsoft documents installed in front of you.
- Search fr SCANPAST.exe software and then start the system on your device.
- Browse for the PST. Record and click on the Start to continue button using the restore process.
- No choice Make Backup option. Go to Browse to set a region for storing backup records. Click on Repair choice to complete the process.
#3. Check/Delete Duplicate account
The errors of pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 in MS Outlook can also be configured using replica accounts.
Below are the steps to lay off the replica accounts.
- Start control panel tool.
- Change view through to Massive in the category section. Now click on Mail settings choice.
- Now choose Email Accounts
- Go to settings and click on replica accounts, then click on the remove button.
#4. Repair MS Office software from Control Panel
The MS Outlook pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6 blunders can arise while MS Office software wants to be restored. You can follow the following steps to restore MS Office software. You need to follow the following steps:
- Open the Control Panel on your device.
- Uninstall a Program choice.
- Select the MS Office software, and click on the Change button.
- Select the Repair choice and clock on Continue.
- You will see commands by Repair the MS Office software; follow them.
- Now restart the device and launch the MS Outlook software.
By complying with all the above-listed steps, you will be able to restore all the bugs.
MS Outlook is very important software that is secure and sound. Many times, MS Outlook may display the error [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6]. To repair this error in MS Outlook without any problems with the help of the following methods. You can also use Outlook Recovery Tool for repairing this bug.