How to Take Care of Your Wood Flooring

Wood Flooring: Hardwood floors are a lovely addition to any home, but there’s always some debate about how best you should clean them. While most agree that unless your flooring is extremely dirty, it’s not necessary for an aggressive cleaner like myself, we can’t all use the same technique when tackling each type of surface.
There might be one solution, though – try scrubbing gently; if nothing else works, move on to something more powerful later on while still keeping in mind what worked well beforehand to avoid repeating those mistakes.
Homeowners should make sure that their wood floors are clean and free from any marks or spills before deciding on how to maintain them.
Wood is resistant to stains, but if something happens, you’ll want an effective way to remove the resulting liquid so as not to leave resentment in your household members, who will eventually have access to these spaces too.
They must be properly cared for if you want to maintain your hardwood floors for years.
This means giving them the TLC they deserve with an annual vacuuming and wood floor polish every autumn or winter when dirt gets stuck between those cracks because all four seasons are tough on these beautiful surfaces.
The NWFA has compiled some helpful tips about keeping up-to-date maintenance procedures at hand, so read closely because this could be what keeps those scratches.
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Steps to Take Care of your Wood Flooring
Clean Spills Instantly
Hardwood floors are beautiful, but they’re not indestructible. If you spill something on your floor, it’s best to immediately wipe up any spills with a dry or slightly damp cloth so that the moisture from wetness doesn’t cause more damage over time.
To keep humidity down at home (and avoid cupping/gapping), try keeping temperatures between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit inside, where shoes will also be kept away as much as possible since these fabrics tend to love water when left out in hot places like rooms which causes them to absorb excess sweat absorbed by clothes worn next door.
Do Regular Cleaning
Daily cleaning is required to keep your hardwood floors clean and damage-free. To avoid soil particles from accumulating on the surface of these surfaces, use either a vacuum cleaner or brush for regular maintenance purposes every day.
Wash and use the mop on the floor
Cleaning your hardwood floors is easy. You’re good to go with a wet mop on the floor. You can even clean them with soap if needed and remove any spills by using this simple method of cleaning that’ll have them looking better than ever before in no time at all.
Go for Deep Cleaning
There is no need to use harsh chemicals on your floor every week. You can have it done professionally or take care of them in-house using white vinegar mixed with dish soap.
Avoid Harsh products
Avoid using furniture showers, oils, and waxes to clean your hardwood floors because they leave an elusive surface while removing buildup.
This is true for both freshly cleaned surfaces as well those that need more than just a quick wipe-over with cleaner or water; however, there are other options you can try instead.
You could try using cleaning products specifically designed for this type/quality material (such as Mr. Clean), use plain old soap if necessary—anything except what we’ve mentioned before will do the trick in most cases: these materials won’t agitate permanently embedded dirt particles deep within their grain patterns which may cause Marine Wear And Tear Eventually ruin any piece.
Hardwood floors are delicate and special. You must take care not to use harsh chemicals on them, like abrasive cleaners or alkaline products that can scratch the beautiful surface of these natural wood pieces.
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Other Things to take care for your Wood Flooring
Use Furniture Pads
Whether for a modern look or traditional, scratches can take away from the beauty of your flooring. Detection is key. What is the best way to prevent these pesky marks?
Add furniture pads onto any items that may come into contact with floors, such as chairs and sofas–this will help protect both their exterior AND inner surfaces against unwanted scuffing.
Vacuum Weekly
Housekeeping is an important part of keeping your home neat and clean. Weekly vacuuming can help prevent dirt or crumbs from scratching floors while also ensuring you don’t miss any spots you might have missed with sweeping.
If this sounds too exhausting for one day alone, there’s always investing in a Roomba, which does all the work for you so easily without requiring much time commitment on top of its ability to drop hints about when it needs empty tanks filled.
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Re-Finish your Wood Flooring Every 3-5 Years
The site shares that over time, your wood floors can become dull and need to be refreshed through recoating. This involves applying a new coat of floor finish according to the person’s lifestyle.
“How often you’ll have to do this depends on what type of situation is going around,” they add.
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