Is Hell Let Loose Crossplay ?

Is Hell Let Loose Crossplay ? – The game Hell Let Loose for consoles is an old-fashioned WW2 shooter experience. One important console version feature includes the cross-platform functionality that works with PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

In a world where most video games are single-player, 50 vs. 50 shootouts offer an exciting alternative. With two different modes and ten maps available for each platform, there is plenty to play through regardless if you’re on PC or console.

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We’re working as hard as possible to bring crossplay functionality to all platforms. The feature isn’t available on every platform right now, so if you want help with your friends playing via a forum or website, please let us know.

Is Hell Let Loose Crossplay

We know many of our fans are gamers who own consoles and PCs, so we’re really excited about this news. We’ll also support crossplay between PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. If you play on your computer instead of viaPS4 or Xbox One, it will not work out back here in the good ol’ USA (or the UK).

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Does Hell Let Loose Support Cross-Progression?

Hell Let Loose doesn’t have cross-progression, so you’ll be able to keep your progression intact on all platforms.

The team said their plan for this game’s ecosystem (PS5/Xbox Series) would remain distinct, meaning that progress won’t transfer between consoles or PC users regardless of what platformer(s) someone owns. It comes out October 5, 2021–just in time for midseason.

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