Is Milk Good For You? Reasons To Cut Milk Out of Your Diet

People have changed their minds about dairy in recent years. Once considered the best source of calcium, the staple part of the diet is slowly on the decline. Now, when going out to have a cup of coffee, you will find way too many non-dairy options like coconut, almonds, or soy milk, to name a few. But is milk good for you? Please find out the answer to this question in our article.
Is Milk Good for You?
Whole milk is pretty balanced with nutrients, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. People with lactose intolerance need to avoid milk, but what about other people? For the average healthy person drinking milk is okay, but that does not mean you gulp down three glasses of milk daily. Cow milk helps baby cows grow, which means the milk’s hormones are not intended to suit humans.

Benefits of drinking organic milk
Appetite control
Drinking milk does not cause weight gain or obesity; instead, it helps curb appetite. Dairy helps make you feel fuller and reduces the amount of fat you eat in a day. Some research shows that consuming full-fat dairy can cause low body weight.
Bone development
Milk helps improve bone density in children and minimizes the risk of childhood fractures. Research also shows that pregnant women who eat a healthy diet, including plenty of dairy and calcium-rich foods, give birth to children with better bone mass and growth. Milk provides necessary proteins that help build and maintain healthy teeth, bones, and muscles.Â
Bone and dental health
One cup of milk contains around 30 percent of an adult’s daily required calcium intake. Milk is also a good source of magnesium and protein. These minerals are good for maintaining bone and tooth health. Dairy makes up 50 percent of calcium intake in an American diet. Most packaged milk also has added vitamin A.Â
Diabetes prevention
High sugar levels in the blood characterize type 2 diabetes. Diabetes also increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, kidney diseases. Many studies have shown that milk prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes because milk protein improves blood sugar balance.
Heart health
Milk fat raises a good cholesterol level. Having good cholesterol in the body minimizes the risk of stroke and heart disease. Milk is a good source of potassium that helps in regulating blood pressure. Grass-fed cows make omega-3 fatty acid-rich milk and conjugated linoleic acid. These fatty acids help in protecting heart and blood vessel health.
Is Dairy Milk Safe for the Skin?
There is no benefit of milk for the skin. One of the biggest drawbacks of milk is its effects on the skin. Although more research is needed in this aspect, studies have shown the connection between dairy and acne. Everybody has different effects on their body. If you want to see the effects of dairy on your acne issues, then cut dairy completely for a week and pay attention to how the skin feels and looks. Then after a week, drink milk and see the difference the next day.
Side Effects of Drinking Milk
There are certain side effects of milk which are as follows:

Hormones in milk
Some people are concerned about the hormones present in milk, like estrogen and other growth hormones, which can have adverse effects. There is no scientific evidence of this claim.
Excessive milk consumption triggers acne in people prone to getting breakouts often.
Other skin conditions
Some foods harm skin conditions like eczema, including dairy and milk. Dairy consumption can also trigger rosacea in adults.
Around 5 percent of children have a milk allergy. Milk allergy can cause skin reactions like gut symptoms eczema. Gut side effects would be constipation, Colic, diarrhea. Some can see more serious reactions like wheezing, anaphylaxis, bloody stool, and difficulty breathing.
Bone fractures
Drinking three or more three glasses of milk increases the risk of bone fractures in women. Research shows that this may be because of D-galactose in milk. Â
Excess calcium consumption from milk and other foods increases the risk of prostate cancer. The presence of milk sugar can also cause ovarian cancer.
Lactose intolerance
Cow’s milk has a high amount of lactose compared to milk from any other animal. Around 60-70 percent of the population in the world is lactose intolerant.Â
Should You Cut out Milk?
You might be wondering if you should cut milk out of your diet and consume dairy substitutes instead. If you belong to the category of people who like to drink milk, then stick to organic milk, grass-fed, and whole milk. You can also get milk from local farmhouses.

If you have decided to cut milk out from their diet, ask your nutritionist to suggest good options. Growing children, teenagers, and pregnant women need Vitamin D, proteins, calcium. You can also consume fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel to get these nutrients. Kale, sardines, broccoli, and watercress are good sources of calcium. If you want to increase iodine consumption, try seaweeds, strawberries, and cranberries.
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