Ornamental Grasses To Take The Home Decor Game To The Next Level

Do you want to add something beautifying to your home? But don’t want to invest in something artificial rather want something natural? Well, the ornamental grasses can serve both of these purposes for you.
Yes, ornamental grasses are a natural type of ornamentation which you can do in your home. The good thing about them is that they come in a number of varieties, sizes, colors, and shapes which give you the option to choose the best for you. You can get tall ornamental grass to add appeal along with privacy, or you can go for short ornamental grasses.
However, knowing what you are buying is essential before you even spend a penny. This is why to help you choose the best we have prepared a small guide for you about the ornamental grasses.
Ornamental Grasses
These are some of the most appealing and attractive ornamental grasses you can get for yourself:
Blue Fescue
Do you want some low-growing and short ornamental grasses for your home to add the charm? Or do you want to use grass in the form of ornamental cover in your garden walkway? If yes, then the blue fescue is the variety you will surely love to have.
The blue fescues are one of the best low growers when it comes to the world of ornamental grasses. It is best for the edgings, ground covers, and borders. In addition to the blue fescues, the other varieties of this ornamental grass you can choose include:
- California focuses
- atlas feces
- sheep fescues
What’s even amazing is that all these varieties are a great option for ornamental grass landscaping. You can use them in pathways, for borders, or as covers for other things and more.
Usda Zones: Between 4 to 8.
Exposure To Sun: Full Sunlight
Soil: Well-draining, medium moisture to dry soil.
Mexican Feather Grass
Do you want a variety of ornamental grasses which is also drought-resistant? If yes, then the Mexican feather grass is the one which you will love.
The Mexican feather grass is one of the most popular and common types of ornamental grasses. This is the one which you can use in the green roofs, gardens, yards, cracks of sidewalks, or even in the space between the stone landscaping. The Mexican feather grass is a great grower and can thrive even if you cut it on a regular basis, and this is why it is one of the hardy types of tall ornamental grasses.
One thing to know about the Mexican feather grass is that it can sometimes be invasive to other plants. This is why it is essential that you keep its growth in check to avoid problems for other plants. It is also a great option if you want something like shade plants.
USDA: Between 6 to 10.
Exposure To Sun: Grows best in areas with part shade to full sunlight.
Soil: loamy, well-draining, acid, and even tolerant towards the clay and sandy soil types.
Japanese Forest Ornamental Grass
Do you want to add something exotic to your garden? If yes, then trying the Japanese forest grass is what you will love for sure. Ornamental grass from japan is popular for its exotic and beautiful clumping habit.
The cultivars of this grass, like the Aureola and All Gold, are one of the most beautiful ones with golden variegated leaves. In addition to the stupendously beautiful leaves, its stem is also eye-catching and looks like bamboo sticks. This makes it a great option to try with any kind of bamboo landscaping. The Japanese grass is best for container growing and borders, especially in combination with plants that have dark colors of their leaves or flowers.
The Japanese grass is a beauty but requires care like regular watering, especially during hot days.
USDA: Between 5 to 9.
Exposure To Sun: Partly Shady locations are best.
Soil: well-draining, moist, humus soil.
Zebra Grass
The zebra grass or the porcupine grass is one of the tall ornamental grass types which you can get. Its name, porcupine grass, comes from its leaves and stem, which look like the spikes of a porcupine.
This is one of the gorgeous ornamental grasses which you can have during the summer season. However, this variety of ornamental grass dies in the winters. Although during the spring season, they come back even stronger even if you don’t trim them. This grass can grow up to a height of 5 feet and even tall. It can have a width of 5 feet even if you prune it on a regular basis during the growing season. This grass growing season in the USA is summers and spring.
According to the combination you put with the zebra grass, it can have tropical, exotic, or other looks. It looks especially striking when you plant it with the tropical plants that have broad leaves and colorful flowers. The best combinations you can try with it are canna, hibiscus, ginger, and plumeria.
USDA: Between 5 to 9.
Exposure To Sun: Full Sunlight
Soil: Can grow in any type of soil, chalk, loam, sand, and clay.
What if we tell you that bamboo is a type of ornamental grasses? Well, it might shock you, but it is true as bamboo is a type of grass that falls under the Bambusa family of grass.
The good thing about bamboo is that you can use it for endless ornamentation options in your garden. You can have it to add a privacy screen to your garden; you can use it as a support for other gardening needs like a vertical garden and more.
USDA: Best For zones four and up.
Exposure To Sun: Partly shady locations.
Soil: Well-draining, slight acidic, and loose.
Purple Fountain Ornamental Grass
The purple fountain grass is one of the most popular types of landscaping plants in both commercial and home establishments. This ornamental grass has strikingly beautiful fountains look alike along with purple reddish color and flowers which look like feathers. The good thing is that it looks equally appealing from a distance and up close.
The mature size of this grass is between 2 feet to 5 feet, and the width is 2 feet to 4 feet. A good thing about this variety of grass is that it is a low maintenance needing type. It is one of the most attractive types of grasses you can have when you want ornamental grass for shade areas. In addition to this, the purple grass can be a year-round attraction if you provide it with a little care.
The flowers of this grass are eye-catching, but if they start resembling the wheat, then it’s time for pruning. It is the best type when you want ornamental grass for shade. This variety of grass is great for combining with the plants like sweet potato vines and oat grass. You can add it with any plant which has a silver or lime green color.
USDA: Between 9 to 10.
Exposure To Sun: Partly shady to full sunlight.
Soil: well-draining, soil with medium moisture retention.
Pink Muhly Ornamental Grass
This variety of grass is also popular by other names like gulf muhly grass, sweetgrass, and mist grass.
This is one of the most eye-catching types of ornamental grasses you can have for yourself. The grass is popular for its winter and fall blooming flowers which are pink in color, and plumes that look like feathers. It is best suited for landscaping design ideas like perennial borders, large clumps in the garden, or in spots where it can give a visual impact. Other than this, you can add this ornamental grass with other plants which have dark leaves and foliage.
USDA: Between 5 to 9.
Exposure To Sun: Part shade to full sunlight.
Soil: Rocky or sandy soil, which provides good drainage and medium moisture.
These are some of the fascinating types of ornamental grasses which you can have in your garden. The good thing about most of these grasses is that they require minimum maintenance and don’t need any special care. All you need to do is time to time pruning.
Final Words
Do you want to take your home decor game to the next level? Or do you want something beautiful for your garden? Well, then getting ornamental grasses can help you in both of these purposes.
There are a variety of stupendously beautiful ornamental grass types which are available in the market. The good thing about most of these grass types is that they are easy to grow, and all you need to do is water them often and keep their growth in check.