QA Aaron Boston Dynamicsackerman Ieeespectrum

Q&A with Aaron Saunders, VP at Boston Dynamics, on teaching robots to dance and how that informs the company’s approach to robotics for commercial applications (Evan Ackerman/IEEE Spectrum)
A week ago, Boston Dynamics posted a video of their three bots – Atlas, Spot and Handle dancing to Do You Love Me. In it they show how these creations can work together in ways that would be nearly impossible for just one person alone yet remain intuitive due largely because each robot has been designed with the other two’s capabilities always taken into account.”
Evan Ackerman / IEEE Spectrum:Q&A with Aaron Saunders, VP at Boston Dynamics, on teaching robots to dance and how that informs the company’s approach to robotics for commercial applicationsA week ago, Boston Dynamics posted a video of Atlas, Spot, and Handle dancing to Do You Love Me.