Signs of Infertility In Women And Men

The creation of new life is one of the most lovely feelings in the world. Don’t you agree? We all agree. However, Infertility in both men and women is becoming more rampant in recent years due to various reasons like unhealthy lifestyles. The more worrying thing about this health problem is that most people are unaware of the signs of Infertility.
Infertility is like a curse, and it’s something that should not happen to anyone. Although the good thing is that there are infertility treatments available that can help. Thus knowing the signs of Infertility is an essential thing as early diagnosis of the problem helps.
To help you with this, we have prepared a guide on the various signs of Infertility in both men and women. We have put all the signs which you must look out for.
Signs of Infertility
Symptoms and the Signs of Infertility in both men and women are related to various underlying causes of Infertility. For example, in some cases of chlamydia, it can further lead to other health problems like PID when it’s left untreated.
Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID) leads to problems like fallopian tube blockage and can prevent fertilization.
However, there are numerous reasons for Infertility, so if you feel any of them, consult your health professional. However, the signs of male Infertility and women’s Infertility can vary.
Signs of Infertility in women are:
The fertility and pregnancy are interlinked with each other. Thus fertility becomes essential for pregnancy, so knowing the signs of infertility is vital. The infertility symptoms in men and women vary, and some common signs include:
Inconsistent Periods
One of the most common infertility signs in women is irregular periods. For example, an average woman has a period cycle of 28 days. But anything between these 28 days is normal as long as the period cycle is consistent.
If a woman has a 33 day period cycle in a month and has a 31-day cycle the next month and a cycle of 35 days next month is normal.
However, if a woman is experiencing inconsistency at a level, she can’t even estimate when she will experience irregular periods. This irregularity in the periods can be due to hormonal issues or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Both of these health problems can be the causes of infertility in women.
Heavy Or Painful Periods
Most of the women experience pain and cramps during periods. However, the severe pain and cramps during the period, which interferes with the daily routine of life, can be signs of endometriosis.
Missing Periods
It’s a common thing among women to have a month off between their period cycles. Various factors like the heavy workout and stress can cause the temporary disappearance of the periods in the women.
However, if this off month of periods is more than a month like for a long time, then it’s time to consult a doctor.
Hormonal fluctuations
Various signs of hormonal fluctuations in women can be indicators of potential infertility issues. So, if you experience any of the following signs of Infertility, you must consult your health professional. These signs are:
- Skin issues
- Hair growth on the face
- Weight gain
- Reduction in sex drive
- Thinning of the hairs
Painful Intercourse
Many women experience pain during sex, and they normally believe that it’s normal. However, painful sex can be a sign of Infertility, and also various causes of Infertility can also lead to pain.
For example, painful intercourse could be due to various causes of Infertility like hormonal issues. It can also be the result of endometriosis. Thus if you want to have pregnancy but can’t and experiencing pain in sex, then consult our doctor.
These are some of the signs of Infertility in women. If you experience any of the above signs and can’t conceive even when trying for pregnancy, then it’s time to seek professional help.
Signs Of Infertility In Women
The signs of male Infertility are different from those of women. These are:
Change In The Sexual Desires
Fertility in a male is related to hormonal health. Some of the changes like virility are often influenced by hormones and thus could indicate problems with male fertility.
Swelling and Pain In Testicles
There are various reasons which can cause pain in the male testicles. However, pain can also be a sign of Infertility. So if a male experiences pain in testicles, it’s time for a fertility test.
Erection Issues
The ability to maintain an erection during the sex or normally is in correlation with the hormone levels. The reduction of hormones in a male can be a sign of male Infertility, and this troubles in pregnancy for his sexual partner.
Ejaculation Problems
If a person is unable to ejaculate or the amount of fluid after ejaculation is low, then it’s a sign of Infertility.
Firm and Small Testicles
The health of the male testicles plays a vital role in male fertility as they are the storehouse of male testicles. Firm and small testicles can be an indicator of the potential problems with the male sperm count. However, for a better understanding, it’s better to consult a health professional.
These are some of the signs of Infertility in males, and if you see any of the above signs, you must consult your doctor.
Foods To Try For Infertility
Some of the food which could help to boost fertility are:
- Sunflower seeds
- Citrus fruits
- Mature cheese
- Dairy products with full fats
- Liver, specifically cow liver.
- Cooked tomatoes
- Lentils and the beans
- Asparagus
- Oysters
- Pomegranate
- Walnuts
- Egg yolks
- Pineapple
- Salmon, specifically those caught from the wild.
- Cinnamon
These are some of the naturally available superfoods which can help in boosting fertility. The good thing is that these foods help both men and women, and they have no to very few side effects.
Other than fertility, these foods are also a good source of essential things like antioxidants. So, these can be the best pregnancy foods to have when trying to conceive for both men and women.
Infertility Treatments
The treatment of Infertility is different in males and females. However, it also depends on the cause of Infertility. For example, the treatments depend on the causes like hormonal imbalance or other factors like sexually transmitted diseases.
Infertility Treatment for Men
The treatment for male infertility varus and some common options include:
- Surgery: The first option of surgery is to fix the issues which might be preventing sperm from ejaculation. For example, it can correct problems like Varicocele.
- Medication: The use of medications for infertility treatment is also common in cases where it is due to issues like hormonal imbalance. Medications are also used for the treatment of other problems like STIs and ED, which might be the cause of Infertility.
- Assisted reproduction technology(ART): In the ART treatments for Infertility, the sperm is derived directly from the male testicles. After the deriving, the sperm is then medically transplanted into the woman’s ovaries. Some common examples of the ART treatment are IVF.
Infertility Treatment In Women
Like the males, the treatment of Infertility in women also depends on the cause of Infertility. Some common treatments are:
- Surgery: The use of surgery for treating Infertility in women has become rare due to the advancement of other technological methods. However, surgery can be used for unblocking the fallopian tube, correcting the shape of the uterus, and removal of fibroids.
- Medication: The use of medications to treat Infertility in women is generally in cases where the cause is hormonal imbalance. This method is also popular for the treatment of STIs, which might be the reason for the fertility.
- Assisted Reproduction: The use of technical assistance for pregnancy in women depends on various factors. Some of the common technologies include ART and egg removal. In the egg removal method, the egg is fertilized using the male sperm in a laboratory. Once the fertilization is complete, the embryo is again placed inside the uterus of the woman. In the third option Intrauterine Insemination(IUI), millions of the sperm are injected inside the uterus of a woman when she nears ovulation.
These are some of the infertility treatments which the health professional use for both men and women. However, which method the doctor will use depends on the causes of the problem, and thus, treatment can vary.
Bottom Line
Around 15% to 20% of the couples face the problem when trying to conceive. In Infertility, the contribution of women is around 40%, whereas males are comparatively low.
The treatment of Infertility is possible, and thus whenever you experience any signs of Infertility, you must consult your health professional.