What to feed Guinea Pigs daily

If you love your guinea pig as much as a family, then feeding her should be more than just giving table scraps. Human food that is safe for them to eat includes: lettuce, celery, spinach, and carrots- but never feed any other vegetables or fruit!
Guinea pigs need more care for what they are fed; only give veggies like those listed above if you want them around the house a little longer.
What Do Guinea Pigs Eat?
Guinea pigs are herbivores and mostly eat plant-based foods. Some guinea pig favorites include kale, apples, dried fruit like raisins or figs, with some watermelon thrown in for a refreshing snack on hot days.
Some of the best bets for your little pet friend regarding healthy food choices can be found right at home in your garden: fresh carrots, peas, green beans, and leafy greens like spinach will make any cavy lover happy!
Researchers have found that there are two important considerations when choosing food for your pets:
Vitamin C: Guinea pigs can’t formulate their own Vitamin C, making them vulnerable to scurvy. Guinea pig pellets should include vitamin-C-rich foods such as carrots and oranges–or better yet, a supplement!–to keep your pet healthy!
Constant-Growing Teeth: Guinea pigs have teeth that never stop growing. They need something to chew on, and hay is the best option for them – too many pellets can cause digestive problems!
This is important to remember when you are transitioning your guinea pig’s diet. Pets require a gradual transition of at least one week for their digestive system to adjust and avoid the risk of diarrhea or other stomach upsets that can occur from sudden changes.
That said, it’s also important not to transition your guinea pig’s diet too quickly. If needed, be sure to go slow while you make this adjustment so that excess loose stools are due.
Your guinea pig might seem a little gross, but it’s actually normal for them to eat their own poop! Guinea pigs have two types of feces: soft and nutritious, while the other can be tougher. This isn’t just because they’re lazy, though–guinea pigs are capable of recirculating food again by eating its excrement to get more nutrients. Rabbits also do this too!
When Should I Feed My Guinea Pig?
Guinea pigs are surprisingly active animals. They typically spend the day munching on hay and veggies, meaning it’s important to keep fresh supplies of both constantly available for your pet. Every evening you should dump out their food and water (and clean these things), then fill up new bowls with a tasty dinner from our selection of treats!
Feeding Guinea Pigs Store-Bought Food
There are many benefits to feeding store-bought pellets and hay, but there is nothing like the smell of fresh grass! Grass clippings can be found at most retailers that sell lawn care products.
Feeding your guinea pig with a diet of only feed pellets could lead them to obesity or malnutrition problems. To avoid these issues, mix in some live vegetation from time to time by purchasing grass clippings, for instance, which you’ll find at any retailer that sells lawn care products such as fertilizer and weed killer.
Hay is an essential part of your guinea pig’s diet, but if you’re not sure what to buy, there are a few things that will help. First off, make sure the hay has no more than 20% alfalfa in it – too much calcium can be toxic for them! Second tip: store it in a cool, dry place, or mold and mildew might grow on top.
Supplement your guinea pig’s hay with a small number of high-quality pellets. Opt for plain pellets rather than mixed varieties, as this prevents them from being picky and only eating the tasty bits!
Feeding Guinea Pigs Fresh Foods
Fresh fruits and veggies are great treats for your guinea pig. They can be used as an extra-special treat to bond with your pet or a training reward!
Good fresh foods to feed your guinea pig include:
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Green peppers
- Parsley
- Green and red leaf lettuce
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes
- Watermelon
Guinea pigs love fruits, but they’re actually like candy for them! Always be sure to clean up any uneaten fresh foods at the end of the day, or else you might find your guinea pig with a stomachache.
Toxic Foods for Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs are very picky eaters. If you want to keep them healthy, it is important that they only consume a certain number of foods on the list below:
Fruits and vegetable guinea pigs should not be fed include (list name).
- Avocados
- Chives
- Coconuts
- Garlic
- Grapes
- Onions
- Raisins
These foods that we love to enjoy are actually very dangerous for some of our pets! Dogs, parrots, and cats often do not react well to these toxic threats.
It is interesting how many people don’t realize that the things they eat regularly could be so harmful if given to their pets. One study found more than one hundred poisonous plants in the yard, as well as various food items such as nuts or chocolate, which can trigger an allergic reaction from your furry loved ones. They also mentioned other common household objects like tea leaves containing pesticides/herbicides and houseplants with sharp thorns (like cactus).
Guinea pigs are often called little furry garbage disposals. This is because they will eat almost anything you put in front of them, including things that can be hazardous to their health, such as garlic and onions or toxic foods like chocolate. The best diet for your guinea pig would consist mostly of hay with a few pieces of fruit every day mixed in along with high-quality pellets most days.
Guinea pigs generally have no problem eating any food, provided it’s not too salty or sweet, which means there’s really nothing off-limits when it comes to snacking on delicious treats!